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Pale Nelis CAN
Pale Nelis CAN
Product image 1Pale Nelis CAN
Product image 2Pale Nelis CAN

Pale Nelis CAN

Price $25.00 sale $36.00

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Whaler Cornelis Gerritsz Jongekees from Zaandam ventured onto the polar ice near Spitsbergen in 1668 after a polar bear had been shot. However, the supposedly dead bear attacked Jongekees unexpectedly. His life could hardly be saved, but not for the color of his hair: white from fear! So don't be alarmed, cheers!

Pale Nelis | Dry Hopped Session Blonde
A malty, slightly fruity blond beer with a German and American 'hop kick'.


4.9% vol


20 EBU

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