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Queen Bee
Queen Bee
Queen Bee
Queen Bee
Product image 1Queen Bee
Product image 2Queen Bee
Product image 3Queen Bee
Product image 4Queen Bee

Queen Bee

Price $3.00

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it was 1670 when the famous dutch naturalist jan swammerdam from amsterdam discovered that bee colonies are ruled by a queen.the male drones, it turns out, only live to mate and crave the queen's attention.if they're lucky enough to mate, they die... assuming they haven't been kicked off yet because they didn't take home enough honey! Long live the QUEEN!

Queen Bee | Honey Blonde
Queen Bee is a dry blond beer in the base, minty and woody with a subtle sweetness thanks to the comet hops and linden honey.


5.5% vol


22 IBU

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