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Spanish Stuffy
Spanish Stuffy
Spanish Stuffy
Spanish Stuffy
Product image 1Spanish Stuffy
Product image 2Spanish Stuffy
Product image 3Spanish Stuffy
Product image 4Spanish Stuffy

Spanish Stuffy

Price 4,700 RF

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During the 80-year war, bothAlkmaar as the Zaan region besieged
by the Spaniards. For those whodid not want to convert lay a cruel
treatment by the 'Spanish Inquisition'on the lurk. The people literally got itSpanish stuffy but Alkmaarwas relieved in 1573 and the Zaan regionachieved a resounding in 1574victory. This joint resistancewe celebrate with this very strongBarley Wine. Dark and full oftaste and certainly no torture.

A fruity and spicy barley wine full of flavour.The added rye provides the pleasant spiciness and the Bramling Cross provides the fruity note.


10.0% vol

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