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Spicy Mustard Triple
Spicy Mustard Triple
Product image 1Spicy Mustard Triple
Product image 2Spicy Mustard Triple

Spicy Mustard Triple

Price $9.00

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Spicy Mustard Triple

8.2% VOL | 20 EBC | 15 IBU

The classic Belgian Tripel is the basis for this beer with a punch! Brewed with mustard from the Zaan windmill “de Huisman”. The sultry taste of the Tripel and the spicy / sour taste of the mustard provide a unique taste experience.

HOPE Limited Edition

Straight from our test brewery inlab-44. This limited-edition brew is a masterpiece of our brewers. A combination of knowledge, skill and a bit of luck. Looking for the perfect beer with a special taste! We think it turned out well!

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